I'd leave my girlfriend for a multiplayer campaign mode. You know those shitty tiktoks where people complete like 100 tasks to get what they want? And then at the last 5 tasks it's horrible things like steal a car or whatever, I'd participate in that for Bannerlord multiplayer campaign, I'd actually do the tasks or film the shitty tiktok it doesn't matter. Please do me the favor of adding multiplayer campaign. I have always dreamed of playing multiplayer campaign in a Mount and Blade game, and Bannerlord is so good looking.

To put a spin on a quote from Jeff Winger: " Please make a multiplayer campaign mode.

If you added a multiplayer campaign mode where I could play with my friends in a private lobby I'd stop going to school and I would stop cooking for myself, I would only order in food and that would hugely help the economy as trade would be going around, I would only play the game, even if the mode is a DLC and it's a 1000 bucks I'd buy it.