The modding community of the sims 4, take this very seriously and provides us with the Wicked Woohoo mod.
For example, you can just woohoo on your bed, or sometimes a sofa, which sometimes kills the mood. The sims 4 is rated PG-13, so everything in the game comes with some sort of restrictions. Download and install WickedWhims properly (Ensure the WW version installed matches the one specified in this thread).
Drag the ATFChildPets folder straight into your mods folder (.Basically, Sims 4 mods do not need installation, these are automatically implemented when you place the files into your Mods folder (Documents/The Sims 4/Mods) and unimplemented by simply removing them. Unzip the Child Pet Mod somewhere, inside you should see a folder ATFChildPets. Drag the ATFToddlers folder straight into your mods folder (.The Sims 4ModsATFToddlers). Unzip the Toddlers Mod somewhere, inside you should see a folder ATFToddlers. It is MANDATORY that it goes straight into the Mods folder, DO NOT PUT IT IN A SUB FOLDER. Drag the ATFChildren folder straight into your Mods folder (.The Sims 4ModsATFChildren). Unzip the Children Mod somewhere, inside you should see a folder ATFChildren.
Download and install WickedWhims properly (Ensure the WW version installed matches the one specified in this thread). Outfit Customization Manual equip interaction ThatYamiGuy/YamiJoeysDog loli wear diapers postersĪnimations Addons (Optional requeriment) Title Click on it and unzip it using 7-Zip (Download here) or WinRar.Then move the contents to your mods folder: Electronic ArtsSims 4Mods 'Extreme Violence Mod' (Create this new folder). The file (folder) should download to your Downloads Folder. The file size is kinda big because there are 70 files total! I’m sorry if your fave movie isn’t featured, but if I kept working on this, it would have never gotten done lol.
I know a lot of you wanting more so here’s a huge variety. Hangover depends on how many drinks you have per day. Your sims will feel hangovers after the drink. You will have more drinks, traits, and cocaine in the game. It adds drugs and more severe alcohol in the game. The Sims 4 basemental mod is a little bit more than the drunk mod.