The sims 4 where is my trash can
The sims 4 where is my trash can

the sims 4 where is my trash can

You'll know the house is in perfect shape if you see visible sparkles emitting from the floors. This is the level your Sim's home will start with when they first move in. To check the Cleanliness Level of a floor, simply click on the ground and then on "Check Dust Levels." You need to make sure that each floor is cleaned regularly, whether your Sim does it or if you hire a Maid to do it for you, otherwise you'll get a dust build-up. Your Sim's home can have multiple levels at once-just because one floor is clean, it doesn't mean the rest are. There are four stages of Cleanliness that a floor can have. Handiness Skill level 6 5 Electronic Upgrade Parts Sends out a blast that gets rid of nearby dust Handiness Skill level 5 1 Electronic Upgrade Part 2 Common Upgrade Parts Handiness Skill level 4 3 Electronic Upgrade Parts Handiness Skill level 3 3 Common Upgrade Parts List of All 4 Bust the Dust Kit Vacuum Upgrades Once you have the Parts and your Sim has the correct Handiness Skill level, you can upgrade a vacuum by clicking on it and then on "Upgrade" which will have a wrench icon next to it. You can buy Upgrade Parts from a PC by clicking on the "Buy Upgrades" option.

the sims 4 where is my trash can the sims 4 where is my trash can

Each requires a certain Handiness Skill level and Upgrade Parts. There are four upgrades that you can implement on your vacuum, with one of them being for the floor type only. Regardless of the price, if you don't make your Sim empty them regularly, they can overfill and break. The more expensive vacuums (Debonair Dust and G7 Swivel Swank) pick up dust more quickly, but this means that they'll fill up faster and will need to be emptied more often than the cheaper ones so it's just down to personal preference. The Dusty Chaperone Upright Vacuum - §180 You can either place them in Build/Buy mode to use as decoration, or your Sim can actually use one if put in their inventory-for cleaning, this is what you want to do. There are five vacuums in the Bust the Dust Kit: three floor vacuums and two handhelds. Maids will also vacuum for you if you employ one. Each floor in your house has a Cleanliness Level from 1-4 and you clean by vacuuming.īust the Dust adds a handful of vacuums that you use to clean your Sims' house with and features Dust Bunnies that can be good or evil depending on your Cleanliness Level. It adds a new gameplay mechanic that makes it so houses get dusty and dirty. It is on all platforms (PC, Mac, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S) and costs $4.99 / £4.99. The Bust the Dust Kit is a Kit in The Sims 4. How to Turn Off Dust System in The Sims 4.Bust the Dust Kit Aspirations and Traits.Click on any of the links below to automatically scroll to that section of this guide:

The sims 4 where is my trash can